Thursday, March 31, 2011

We Have More than Three Black Bears??

Not too much from yesterday but I did want to share this video of Keeno getting his diet out of a box.

Not uploading now, will be fixed later

Also a glamor shot of Sarabi

Today both lions and bears got let out a little late because maintenance weed-eated and mowed all the lion yards, and fixed a broken insulator for the hotwire at the bear yards. This put the order of our day off a bit but we still managed to get everything done. Maintenance also got to put out our newly painted brown bear sign. It was a past intern's (Rachel) project to make a write up for the sign and get the painting set up. We just got it back from the painter and it looks great.

Today was also a very exciting day. It was pretty nice weather out and it seems it was just warm enough for our adult black bear boys to make an appearance. The adults have been in hibernation and although we have a had a few sightings of them this is the first time I have seen Ricky come out and eat, and Little Boy at all. So I was pretty excited about it :)

Ricky Bear

Little Boy
I was going to put a video of Ricky eating his diet in a box but blogger is being so slow about uploading videos right now here are some pictures instead. He was super cute.

I should also add in that while I was off Val got weights on Sarabi and Tau. Sarabi is 305 lbs and Tau is 435 lbs. This is pretty close to what our estimates were for them but it was nice to finally know we had an accurate weight on them. We hope to be able to weigh Sarabi every other week so we can monitor her for weight gain in case she becomes pregnant.

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