Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Treats

Just a few things of note for this past week. We were able to get weights on Tau and Sarabi. Tau is now at 429lbs and Sarabi 312lbs. We are trying to get weekly weights on Sarabi so that when she becomes pregnant we will have a really good baseline weight for her. Maintenance got some weed eating done at black bears which is great because the grass grows very fast. The adult boy black bears, Ricky and Little Boy, are out and about quite a bit now, which is great because I can begin to work on training with them. We are also in the process of trying new training treats since our dried berry supply is nearly exhausted. I tried honey water but they did not really care for it. I also tried protein shakes which they love for enrichment, but no interest for training. So far our winner has been frozen grapes, they seem to be working well for those.

Ricky bear waiting to go get his food

Babies are starting to come out!

Donna watching the weed eating

Ricky and LB snuggling

Happily married couple
 So far Ricky has just begun target training and is doing well with it. LB I am just working on clicker association and getting him used to being near me, as he is a little people shy. But so far so good!

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